Process Optimization
The fluctuating feed-in of electricity from renewable generation plants requires greater flexibility of conventional power plants. Whether shortening the start-up times, lowering the minimum load or increasing the load gradients: heat and power engineering carries out measurements in existing power plants, analyzes operating procedures, develops optimization concepts and implements them together with the operators.
heat and power engineering has the suitable measuring instruments for standard measurements such as pressure, temperature or volumetric flow and also for special measurements such as pulverized fuel mass flows or oxygen components in gases. With special structural conditions, as they sometimes occur in large-scale systems, we also develop individual measuring probes.
Pulverized Fuel Measurements
Heat and power engineering specializes in the measurement of fuel dust in dust firing systems. With our measuring device PFM 2.0 we measure the distribution and the mass flows in burner pipes to optimize the furnace. In our webshop you will also receive components and spare parts for your own dust measurements.
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Air Flow Measurements
For manual measurements of gas flow rates in the low pressure range up to 500 ° C we use hot-wire and vane anemometers from Höntzsch as well as pitot tubes from Airflow. The duct diameters may vary from a few inches up to several meters.
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Special Measurements
You want to know if your grinding mill can actually be rendered inert?
Do you need a probe for the temperature-controlled staorage of material samples in flue gas atmospheres?
You would like to carry out a combustion chamber pyrometry?
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