Sinter Test Plant
The sinter test plant was planned and developed by heat and power engineering for ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe. It serves the full-automatic produc-tion of sinter charges for research and quality control. An operator can produce 190 kg sinter material in about 90 minutes.
Optimum Ease of Use
The sinter test plant fulfils the requirements according to machinery directive 2006/42/EC. It offers a high level of operational safety and ergonomics. Due to the compact design, dust and noise emissions are low.
Good Reproducibility
The raw materials for the sinter production will be selected from a stock data base and weighed in at the weigh station within given mass tolerances. The recipe and all operational parameters are being saved as a test data record, which remains available for further evaluation.
Comprehensive Chemical Analytics
Besides the classical process parameters such as temperature, pressure and volume flow rate, all relevant flue gas constituents – like CO2, CO, O2 , H2O, HCl, NO, SO2, VOC – are measured continuously. Furthermore, dust constituents and aerosols can successively be determined by extractive sampling.
In addition, the dust mass flow is being measured by laser diffraction. Classification of representative dust and aerosol samples is effected byan ultra-fines sepa-rator. The samples can be examined and analyzed for further evaluation.
Intensive Batch Mixer
The efficient Eirich® intensive batch mixer with tilting technology enables an optimum mixture and pelletizing of the sinter materials. By individual adjustment of mixer inclination, tool and drum speed as well as pelletizing time, the mixture is being treated in a high quality within a couple of minutes. Charging and discharging are fully automated. A manual cleaning of surfaces to remove residuals is not required. Water can be applied to the process employing an automated dosing system.
High Automation Grade
The entire sintering sequence proceeds fully automated. This applies to blending and burning of the charge materials, the crushing and treatment of the sinter product as well as the intermediate transport to the next processing step.
Optimum results can be achieved through the inter-action of ease of use, reproducibility, analytics and automation.
Watch the film now
Link to the press release of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe:
„Getting the right mix is key: thyssenkrupp begins operation of world’s first automated sinter test facility in Duisburg“
The Sinter Pilot Plant was also introduced on the radio broadcast „Forschung aktuell“ at April 12th 2016 on Deutschlandfunk:
Podcast in German (4:16 min)
Siemens uses the example of the sintering test plant to demonstrate the performance of the automation software TIA-Portal in a short film:
Digitalization in the Laboratory (3:28 min)